Thursday, September 13, 2007

Contest - Design a Bumper Sticker

Youth Ultimate Design Contest!

The Ultimate Players Association is launching a contest for a bumper sticker design that best conveys the spirit of youth Ultimate.

It could be a slogan, a graphic or a concept – whatever you think most exemplifies the youth Ultimate scene and its players.

We’ll pick the top 3-5 ideas and then invite the youth members to pick their favorite.

The winner’s design/slogan will be printed and distributed to strengthen the community and pride of youth Ultimate players nationwide.


Must contain the UPA logo (may be small and off to the side, but it needs fit in somewhere)
The word “Ultimate” must appear in the design/slogan.
Can be square, rectangular, oval or circular.
Up to 3 colors.
Focus on the Youth division
Designs due to by October 1st. (Feel free to send them in sooner!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...