Friday, September 21, 2007

Hat Tournament Flier

Here is our Hat Tournament and Clinic Flier, which includes a waiver for all participants to sign. The flier should come in handy for promoting the event, as I know all of you are doing diligently.


m said...

any chance we could get these approved and post them around school?

Mara Saltzman said...

Can you put the flyer up in a different format? My computer can't open it. Thanks.

Jake said...

yeah, it'd be great to put these up around school.

Track down Mr. Sammler and ask him politely to help you out.

also, we should try pretty hard to get these into all the junior high and maybe some elementary shools (especially for the clinic).

Coach Jake

Anonymous said...

hey, i have a bunch of the flyers and i am looking for people from there respective elementary school to go ask their principal if they can put them out at there school. Please let me know if you want to help out. i will check the blog but its easiest if you call me
