Monday, January 28, 2008

Mandatory Varsity Meeting

In lieu of practice on February 12, the Varsity team will be hosting a meeting at Asa's mother's house (thank you Graffs). We will plan to meet from 6:00 - 9:00. They will be providing pasta for dinner, and we will, again, divvy up the details of other foodstuffs in the next week or so.

We will be discussing our goals and how to achieve them, a tournament schedule and plans for the rest of the year - including roster changes.

Please RSVP in the comments section (If you have any specialties you would like to provide for food, put them in here, or you will be assigned next week).



Anonymous said...

Its actually the Graff house and i will have one of the captains post directions

Anonymous said...

is there any way to make this on a thursday night? I have work on Tuesdays.


Anonymous said...

is there any way to make this on a thursday night? I have work on Tuesdays.


Anonymous said...

hey i can make that veggie chili again if you guys want


Anonymous said...

i can make salad/ and i can come.
- smalter

Anonymous said...

i got peanut butter balls

Anonymous said...

ya grewe we know.

Anonymous said...

what kind of roster changes will be taking place?

Anonymous said...

I can come, and I'll bring whatever.