Monday, October 27, 2008

Invitation from St. Olaf

HUrt -

Distinguished HUrt alum Andrew "Rzr" Kelley is now a sophomore at St. Olaf College in beautiful Northfield, MN. He plays for their men's ultimate team there and has invited us to come down and spend a Saturday scrimmaging the Zerks. The women's team, Durga, has extended the same offer to HERt for this day. The date for this is proposed as Saturday, November 8th. Here's some information from Rzr:

So here is a tentative plan for the November 8 scrimmage. We haven't made solid practice plans for that day yet, but we were thinking of having practice from 10 - 12 in the morning. We will let you know if it will be indoor or outdoor, as the snow today may have thrown a wrench into our plans. After practice we would love to invite both teams to eat with us at our cafeteria, which is the fourth best college eatery in the nation. Afterwords is pretty up in the air. Some students will have homework, but I know I can convince players to give tours, show around campus, go into Northfield, or we can just hang out because I know I want to catch up with you guys.
So practice from 10am-12pm, then we can go eat lunch until about 1 pm. Whatever you guys want to do at that point is fine, so let me know what you would enjoy. Oh yes, and the girls team (Durga) would love to have HERt down as well to play, and would probably follow the same schedule. And if this doesn't work for you, let me know because our plans are very flexible.


This would be a fun day for all players to get down to Northfield, see St. Olaf, and expand your ultimate horizons by learning a bit from some college ultimate players. Times that Rzr has proposed are tentative right now, and more information will be posted to the blog as we cement the details. For now though, please post your name in the comments section if you are interested in attending. Also, please include in your post if you are able to drive. We will probably meet at and leave from Lindbergh as per usual for this trip, and will return on Saturday afternoon/early evening. Coaches will be present as well (Louie and Mikey K are available). Varsity and JV are invited to this event.

Mikey K

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Message from Our Elders

Hey Hurt/HERt-

I hope everyone's school year has started off well. Congrats on
another Hold Back the Snow championship! I am confident that I am
going to be able to make it up to Westerns in Blaine this spring,
which is very exciting.

I am emailing all of you in regards to voting for the UPA Board of
Directors. In case you weren't aware, I am a nominee for the Central
Region position this year. You can read my statement and listen to my
audio interview on the UPA Website (
). If you like my ideas, and would like to see some Hopkins
representation on the UPA Board of Directors, I would love to have
your vote. Every vote counts!

You can vote by logging into your UPA account at:

Once you have logged in, click on the word "vote" in the large box
referring to the election. Select "Central Region", and then choose
the candidate(s) you want to support!

Hope to be in touch with all of you soon!

Ben "Hollywood" Feldman
Hopkins HUrt 2004-2006

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Varsity Tryouts

Hey Everyone,

If you are trying out for the Varsity team it would be much appreciated if you could post your name under the comments section. This way we have a list and know who is interested.



Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Practice Schedule for the Rest of the Week!

Everyone -

Remember Jake's going away party on Thursday 10/23 at Hopkins HS. Details on the right menu on the blog. Come show your love for your coach as he leaves the cold of Minnesota for the cold of Vermont. All are welcome...

More reminders here:

Ladies -

We have practice today at 430 at Burnes in Hopkins. See you all there.



Fellas -

We have practice on Wednesday 10/22 at 4:30 at Maetzold. See you ALL there.

Mikey K


Monday, October 20, 2008

HBTS Results

HURT Black wins HBTS! has the coverage.

Congrats to all on a successful tournament!

Mikey K

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Black went 4-0; Silver was 3-1

Both teams played well and showed great spirit. The new players are learning and improving fast. No need for ice or attention to injuries today!

Arrived safe and sound

The trip went smoothly. It took about 50 minutes to pass through the border. We watched action-packed movies throughout the trip -- Ironman, Indiana Jones and selected Ultimate tournament highlights.

After our 7 a.m. breakfast, both teams will bus to the fields for four games today. The weather should be in the 50s.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Winnipeg Parking Instruction at Adath

1. This weekend the Adath Jeshurun Synagogue will allow cars to be parked in the southeast corner (farthest away from the building) of the parking lot
2. If you choose to leave your car there over the weekend the Adath is not responsible for any damage or theft that happens to your car. You park your car there at your own risk.

Winnipeg: Weather and what to bring

  • Forecast:
    Saturday: 30% chance of showers ending by midday. Highs in the low 60s and lows in the low 40s.
    Sunday: Mostly sunny. Highs in the low 50s and lows in the mid 30s.
  • Items you need for a tournament:
    (and a back-up pair if you have them)
    Hopkins light jersey and black jersey (for new players, any black or white shirt is fine, non-cotton, synthetic material is best)
    Appropriate clothing for weather:
    Long underwear/performance layer for top and bottom (bring layers, no cotton)
    Hats: stocking for warmth and one to block sun
    Mittens or gloves
    Rain jacket and warm jacket and/or vest, something that will stop the wind
    Socks, bring extra – wool and/or synthetic, or anything but cotton is best! Cotton socks slip when wet, and create friction, which can give you blisters. They don't dry, hence leaving you with cold, uncomfortable feet. They will be more expensive but are worth the investment. Any sports/outdoors store should have these.
    Disc, if you have one (with your name on the back)
    UPA Rules Book (coaches will bring some for new players to read)
    Reusable water bottle(s)! Hopkins urges all players to have reusable bottles at practices and tournaments. Please be responsible citizens!
    Gatorade/Powerade powder to add to water if you choose
    Appropriate foodstuffs for fuel (think carbs and protein - some snacks provided, but best to provide your own)
    Extra shoelaces!!!
    1st aid items (personal inhaler, moleskin for blisters, pre-wrap if you use it often, Icyhot) Sunblock! You have a greater chance of burning on cloudy days.
    Cash to buy merchandise and food ($50-60 recommended for meals)
    Passport or certified birth certificate
  • See you at the Adath parking lot to load at 11:45 a.m., Friday. You can leave parked cars there. (Note: There have been break-ins in that parking lot so the synagogue cautions that you leave your car there at your own risk.)

From "H" aka Coach Heather Wood

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What's left to get to Winnipeg?

Departure is nearing. You've all been busy pulling together the stuff we need. I'm trying to get all the passport numbers. By turning them into the border early, it can speed up our crossing. I already have most of the numbers. If I request your passport # below and you're bringing a certified birth certificate, just let me know that. (email:

Here's what I still need from the following people:

C.Camp – Notarized permission from mother got it

J.Dailey – Notarized permission from mother

A. Gotlieb – Notarized permission from both parents, passport #, payment got it

E. Leonard – Notarized permission from father, passport # got it

A. Mastbaum – Notarized permission from mother got it

J. Raisanen – passport # got it

T. Rosengren – passport #

R. Shapiro - Notarized permission from both parents, passport # got it

J. Sussman – Notarized permission from mother, passport # got it

A. Werner – Notarized permission from father got it

I need these items as soon as possible.

Mixed Practice on Wednesday 10/15 - EVERYONE GOING TO WINNIPEG

Practice tomorrow (Wednesday 10/15) is for EVERYONE GOING TO WINNIPEG this weekend. Black team, Silver team, be there.

Maetzold Field, 4:30 - 7 PM.


Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday Practice at Maetzold Field, 6-8 PM

Hello Hurt'ems -

Notice that it got dark at about 6:40 last night. Fortunately, beginning this evening, we have beautiful Maetzold Field available to us for practice. Maetzold Field has lights. Thanks to Randy Feldman for setting this up for us!

Tonight, Monday, October 13, we will have practice from 6-8 PM at Maetzold Field in downtown Hopkins. Maetzold is located at 2nd St N and 14th Ave N. Here's a map:

Maetzold Field

Notice it's raining out this morning... who knows what it will be like tonight? DRESS FOR COLD WEATHER. We don't want anyone getting sick before HBTS.

Remember, bring a WHITE shirt (gray is not white!), a DARK shirt, cleats, and a water bottle or two. It's toasty warm outside kids, let's get some night disc on!

Coach Mikey K

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Winnipeg Money

Don't forget to get your money to Sheri Brenden by tomorrow in order to go to Winnipeg. Also re-read (or read for the first time) John Dailey's post on what you need in order to get on the bus and all of the other details.

Friday, October 10, 2008

!!!!!!! PARENTS NOTE !!!!!

Just a bit of unfinished business:

  • We MUST know if your child IS or IS NOT going to Winnipeg before the end of the weekend. Of course, we need to get fees paid as soon as possible, as well; but if we haven't at least heard one way or the other from you or your child --- WE WILL ASSUME THEY ARE NOT GOING! Sorry to be so demanding, but we need to be able to finalyze the bus and room arrangements. And the hotel is requiring a deadline of next Monday morning.
  • We can still accommodate a couple more parents on the bus. We have six right now, but would really like to have 8 with us on the bus. Please think about joining us. It really is a great time. (At the risk of speaking for the rest of the chaperones who went to Kansas City last spring, we have the GREATEST group of young people you could hope to meet. At every step of the way, they simply made us proud to be able to tell everyone "they're OURS.") Anyway, please let me know if you'd like to come along for the trip of a lifetime -- Winnipeg in the end of October???
  • To be on the safe side, we need a Parental Permission form signed and notarized for each parent. Even if one parent is going along to Winnipeg, a form signed by the non-traveling parent must be completed (because of issues of custodial interference, etc.). It’s a hassle, no doubt, but it’s the government. Each year their requirements become more restrictive. most banks have notary publics in them. If you're having trouble finding a notary public, please call me. Most local bank branches have notaries, though there may be a small fee for their services.
  • One of the parents asked how much money to bring, how many meals will be provided and how many meals the athletes will be responsible for. Well... the bus will stop once each way at a Perkins-type or fast-food restaurant. We have made arrangements to have a salon gathering room at the hotel and are hoping to be able to provide continental-type breakfast for the athletes and parents there. Until we know how many are going, however, we don't know yet if the budget will accommodate the breakfast for all....but we're hopeful. Usually, we run for Subway sandwiches or the like during game days. Everyone chips in and eats. Saturday dinner is a barbecue sponsored by the tournament hosts, so there's no cost there. Otherwise, the only other expenses the athletes face are for personal snacks, souvenir tournament gear and attire, etc. I'll try to update on final meal counts, etc. as soon as I have a "final" count on Monday.
Thanks to all of you for your understanding, patience and support during this hectic process. If you have questions, don't hesitate to call me at 612-508-6965 or email me at

John Dailey

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Team registration required to board the bus

See the list of players under the comments for this post for those who have not completed Hopkins Ultimate Club registration and can't get on the bus to Winnipeg until they do.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Team Lists for HBTS 2008

Thank you all for your interest, here are the teams for Hold Back the Snow:

Hurt Black

Capt.Emma Peaslee
Capt.Jenna Dailey
Kathy Haapala
Mara Saltzman
Laurel Oswald
Jon Alter
Capt.Robbie Shapiro
Tater Camp
S. Gottlieb
A. Gotlieb
Money Grewe
Capt. Josh Klane
Evan Tarshish
Eli Leonard
Dan Raskin
Jacob Frankel
Tom Rosengren
Ethan Rasmussen

Hurt Silver
Haley Arenson
Sarah Eckhert
Sara Gottlieb
Emily Petersen
Abby Werner
Alex Mastbaum
Ana Veblen
Sam Bumstead
Chris Farrell
Benji Mosow
Max Todd
Jake Hoffman
Tom Kachelmacher
Aaron Kitchner
Sam Segal
Nate Wexler
Matt Rosenstein
Brett Rosenstein
Jack Sussman

Current Parent Volunteers:
John Dailey
Sheri Brendan & Phil Eckhart
Jennifer Kreiman & Jon Kachelmacher
Steve Bumstead

Comments? Predictions? Special Notes? Leave 'em in the comments section!

Get your passports/Birth certificates ready! LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!

Parents,,,, Chaperones for Winnipeg!!!


We would love to have you join us for a weekend you'll remember fondly forever... watch your kids whoop those Canadians (ok, just kidding!). Without a doubt, Hold Back the Snow Tournament is a major highlight of the whole season. Get to know other parents and the coaches. Get to know your kids' teammates. Watch some amazing Ultimate competition. And, can you imagine anything more exciting than 18 hours on a bus with 40 teenagers???? All kidding aside, this is a trip you'll treasure forever. And, regardless of what your kids say now, they will appreciate your active support of their passions - someday -- I'm told. Bottom line, the rest of us parent chaperones could use your help.

So if you're interested in joining the fun, we need to hear from you as soon as possible. Costs for parents are:

$ 90.00 per person - Bus only ($93.00 if paid via PayPal)
$109.00 per night ($127.80 incl all taxes) - for a hotel room with two queen beds.

We are pleased to already have several parent volunteers, including: Sheri Brenden, Phil Eckhert and Steve Bumsted, Laurie Levin, Jennifer Kreiman and Jon Kachelmacher, Rick Rosenstein and John Dailey. But we need more. We can accommodate 8-10 parents on the bus, and I've tentatively reserved 6 hotel rooms for parents. Please consider joining us. (If the thought of a relaxing bus ride doesn't thrill you, you'd be welcome to drive yourself to Winnipeg - your choice!)

We'll need to know your interest as soon as possible. If you'd like to come along as a chaperone (and interested parent), please let John Dailey know ASAP via email at or by phone at 612-508-6965. You needn't call the hotel to reserve your room, just call John. (You will be able to check into your hotel room under your name and with your own credit card upon arrival.) We do ask that you either send your $90 check per parent to Sheri Brenden (at the address in my previous post) or pay it quickly and easily online via PayPal.

If you have any questions about the logistics, please feel free to email me at or call me at 612-508-6965. We look forward to seeing you on the trip.

John Dailey

Monday, October 06, 2008


Ladies and Gentlemen,
"Hold Back the Snow" is coming up quickly. We need you to act quickly to reserve your spot on the Hopkins Ultimate team event of the season. The following email summarizes the pertinent details. (One unfortunate piece of information, however.... due to a scheduling conflict at Northfield Lines, we will be riding on Richfield Lines instead. Sadly, the coach does not come with Bullet, since he works for Northfield Lines. I am, however, told it is a brand new coach. Sorry.) On the upside, even with the higher gas prices, the trip cost for athletes and parents is less than it was last year.

Departure on Friday, October 17.
11:45 a.m. - start loading the bus at from Adath Jeshurun Congregation parking lot (just north of Hopkins High School, across the street from the practice fields)
12:30 p.m. (SHARP!!!) the Hold Back the Snow Express will leave for Winnipeg.

There will be one stop enroute to the US-Canadian Border for dinner (participant responsibility)
We should arrive at the hotel in the neighborhood of 9 - 10 p.m.

I've posted Mapquest directions to Winnipeg on this site that can be downloaded (PDF file), if anyone wishes.

Return on Sunday, October 19... ok, more likely early Monday morning...
According to the tournament director, the championship games are tentatively scheduled to begin at either 2 or 2:30 p.m. Assuming they end by 4 p.m. and we are able to be on the road by 5 p.m., the Hold Back the Snow Express should arrive back at the Adath Jeshurun Congregation parking lot at about 2:00 a.m. Monday morning (allowing for a brief dinner break and border crossing). For the athletes who will be calling for rides home from the synagogue, we let them know to make contact with their parents/drivers when the bus is 1-2 hours out of Minnetonka. Chaperone cell phone numbers will also be provided to parents when the bus departs on Friday.

Hotel Information
We are staying at the:
Holiday Inn Winnipeg-Airport West
2520 Portage Ave.
Winnipeg, MB R3J3T6, Canada
Reservations: (877) 863-4780

This is the same hotel the team stayed in last year. It is located no more than a mile west of Assiniboine Park, where Hold Back the Snow is played. All guest accommodations feature in-room coffee makers, fridge, iron/ironing board, remote control 25" color cable TV, AM/FM clock radio & working desk area complete with computer access & 2 2-line phones. Wireless high-speed Internet. The Holidome Recreational facility includes an indoor pool, fitness center, sauna, whirlpool, air hockey, foosball and arcade. For more hotel information, please click or paste the following link into your browser:

Note: This hotel does not offer a complimentary breakfast, but we have been given a room in which we can set up a breakfast for the athletes. More information to come on that.

Athletes (4 per room) and Coaches rooms will be paid for by Hopkins Ultimate. Parents and other family members wishing rooms are welcome to reserve one of the six rooms we have set aside for this purpose. To reserve one of these rooms, contact John Dailey ASAP at or call me at 612-508-6965. The room price is $127.80 per night (including all taxes) for up to 4 people. You will be able to put the room on your credit card upon arrival at the hotel.

Tournament Fees
As I said, this year's trip will actually cost a bit less than last year's, even though gas prices are a bit more this year. The fees are as follows:

Athletes: $190.00 (includes: coach/bus, room for 2 nights, coaches' per diem expenses, and tourney registration)

Parents/Chaperones: $90.00 for coach/bus ride only (and yes, that is roundtrip...)

Pay via PayPal
Fees can be paid quickly and easily online, simply by clicking the PayPal button in the upper right of this site. Because PayPal deducts its fees from the payment, we must assess a small extra fee for this convenience. Consequently, if you pay via PayPal, please pay the following amounts:
Athletes: $196.00
Parents/Bus Only: $93.00

Pay via Check
Please make checks payable to "Hopkins Ultimate". Checks must be received by October 13 (not sent on that date). Checks and/or notorized permission slips should be mailed to:

Sheri Brenden
2317 Archers Lane
Minnetonka, MN 55305


Border Crossing Information
For complete information on border crossing requirements, please refer to the following links:
Canadian Border Crossing Services:
Or the U.S. Custom website:

It will be critical to have notorized Parental Permission Slips signed by both parents authorizing Hopkins Ultimate to accompany your children into Canada. "Minors travelling alone must have proof of citizenship and a letter from both parents detailing the length of stay, providing the parents’ telephone number and authorizing the person waiting for them to take care of them while they are in Canada. If you are travelling with minors, you must carry proper identification for each child such as a birth certificate, passport, citizenship card, permanent resident card or Certificate of Indian Status." (from the Canadian Border Services Agency web site). I've created a Permission Slip for your use and have uploaded it to this site. If you're not able to download it, please contact me by email and I will forward it to you in either PDF or Word document format. Please note, also, the acceptable forms of identification mentioned above.

Stay tuned for more border patrol bulletins....

Watch for a post from Jake tomorrow identifying the Winnipeg players.

Thanks for letting me help on this. Please feel free to email questions to or you can call me at 612-508-6965.

John Dailey

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Thanks from Hands On Gulf Coast

We received the following letter from Hands on Gulf Coast, which is the organization we supported as part of the Hopkins Hustle.

Dear Hopkns Ultimate Club,
Thank you for your recent donation to Hands On Gulf Coast of $250 and athletic jerseys. We very much appreciate your support and hope that you are as excited as we are about the possibilities our currrent journey toward becoming a locally-based community organization presents.

Hands On Gulf Coast envisions a community where all individuals discover their power to make a difference and are equipped as active, engaged citizens. Our mission is to inspire, equip and mobilize people to address critical needs of the Mississippi Gulf Coast through volunteerism. We've engaged over 5000 volunteers and served over 645,000 hours in the past two years, and provide volunteer opportunities in a diverse set of focus areas, including youth development, long term recovery from Hurricane Katrina, green space development and community outreach. As an affiliated organization of the Points of Light & Hands on Network, HOGC is part of a national movement to engage volunteers in creating healthy communities in vibrant democracies around the world.

Thank you again for your generous support. We are glad our work connected with you, and look forward to updating you regularly on our progress in the coming year. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Caitlin Brooking
Acting Director, Hands On Gulf Coast

Saturday, October 04, 2008


Exit 69 is goin well, but we have one more day.


Because of our 3-1 performance we have been granted a first round bye. This means that our first game is at ten o'clock


Be there at 7:45 so we know who we need to drive.

Call me if there are any problems

612 296 6462


You guys played really well from what I heard.

Your plan is to meet at Lindbergh at 6:45 and leave at 7


I will see everyone tomorrow, good work today.



Friday, October 03, 2008

Exit 69 - Saturday

Please meet at lindbergh at around 6:30 so we can possibly get a few cars to take off before seven.

Let me know if you are running late.


612 296 6462


Coach Jake's Announcement

Dear Hopkins Ultimate players, parents and extended family:

I'm in the process of letting everyone know, so trust me: You are all at the top of this list.

My wife has accepted a job in Burlington VT and we're very excited to announce that we will be moving there at the end of October. Trust me, this was not an easy
decision with all the commitments I have between Ultimate, work, family and friends. Hurt means the world to me and I hope (expect) to see you succeed in the next few years both individually and as a TEAM.

Know that I love each and every one of you. I'd like to publicly thank all the parents who have helped out in the past seven years I've been with the team and the coaches who have generously volunteered their time. It's been one of the greatest experiences in my life to work with this community, and I expect to keep in contact and see you all after I'm gone.

Thank you for being such a wonderful influence on my life and making me the person I am today.

With a heavy heart, I start my farewells this weekend at Exit 69, but am really looking forward to hanging out with most of you in Winnipeg.

Thank you,
Coach Jake