Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Parents,,,, Chaperones for Winnipeg!!!


We would love to have you join us for a weekend you'll remember fondly forever... watch your kids whoop those Canadians (ok, just kidding!). Without a doubt, Hold Back the Snow Tournament is a major highlight of the whole season. Get to know other parents and the coaches. Get to know your kids' teammates. Watch some amazing Ultimate competition. And, can you imagine anything more exciting than 18 hours on a bus with 40 teenagers???? All kidding aside, this is a trip you'll treasure forever. And, regardless of what your kids say now, they will appreciate your active support of their passions - someday -- I'm told. Bottom line, the rest of us parent chaperones could use your help.

So if you're interested in joining the fun, we need to hear from you as soon as possible. Costs for parents are:

$ 90.00 per person - Bus only ($93.00 if paid via PayPal)
$109.00 per night ($127.80 incl all taxes) - for a hotel room with two queen beds.

We are pleased to already have several parent volunteers, including: Sheri Brenden, Phil Eckhert and Steve Bumsted, Laurie Levin, Jennifer Kreiman and Jon Kachelmacher, Rick Rosenstein and John Dailey. But we need more. We can accommodate 8-10 parents on the bus, and I've tentatively reserved 6 hotel rooms for parents. Please consider joining us. (If the thought of a relaxing bus ride doesn't thrill you, you'd be welcome to drive yourself to Winnipeg - your choice!)

We'll need to know your interest as soon as possible. If you'd like to come along as a chaperone (and interested parent), please let John Dailey know ASAP via email at jdailey@healthmarketer.com or by phone at 612-508-6965. You needn't call the hotel to reserve your room, just call John. (You will be able to check into your hotel room under your name and with your own credit card upon arrival.) We do ask that you either send your $90 check per parent to Sheri Brenden (at the address in my previous post) or pay it quickly and easily online via PayPal.

If you have any questions about the logistics, please feel free to email me at jdailey@healthmarketer.com or call me at 612-508-6965. We look forward to seeing you on the trip.

John Dailey


Sheri (Emma's and Sarah's mom) said...

Both Phil and I will ride the bus to Winnipeg.

Laur said...

I'm riding the bus. Mama Brick