Monday, May 05, 2014

Busy week in the World of Hurt

The sidebar has been updated with activities this week.

This week begins conference play for all teams.  Our opponents are always going to be determined by the results of the week prior.  We'll publish as soon as we can, but feel free to look at if you're curious about our options.
Here are a few notes:

- Boys are in the Lake Conference, which includes mostly local teams (for carpool purposes)
- The top seed in the match up is the "home team"
- Conference results matter for State seeding

We also have Hustle this week.  Today (5/5) is the deadline on all Hustle related signups.  This is our home tournament, and it is very important that we do everything we can to make it run smoothly.  Each team will have responsibilities related to the tournament.

- Varsity will be setting up the fields on Friday
- The rest of the teams will have responsibilities during the tournament weekend.

I know it's mother's day weekend, but we expect that every Hurtem that signed up to play will stay until our TD dismisses all players from the site.

We'll see you out there!

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