Thursday, May 08, 2014

Games are on 5/8!!

As of 3pm, games are all on.

We will use our best judgment regarding lightning and safety.  Please park as closely as you can to your designated field and understand that if a Coach calls Lightning everyone must get into a car as quickly as possible.  Don't finish the point.  Don't worry about the cones.  Get in a car, or inside of Lindbergh Center/Tanglen/an adjacent building.


Especially for our away games, it is important that we have a safe place for our kids to go if lightning is present.  Let's make sure there is a seat in a car for each Hurtem, and/or an identified building to go to.

If you want spectator tips, send me a note:

This will be a true test of toasty warm.  Work together to stay safe.

Hurtems, if your jersey is clean after this, you're doing it wrong.

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