Thursday, August 31, 2006


Formal practices will be starting up next week. We expect a large number of players, so "formal" is somewhat of a relative term. Our first practice begins at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 6. We have the park until we run out of daylight, but practice will probably wrap up around 8:00 p.m., though you'll be free to stick around until it's dark.

Here's an interactive map to the location: Burnes Park. And a static map for those unable or unwilling to click the link:

Burnes Park

Practices will be every Monday and Wednesday at Burnes Park at 5:00 p.m. until further notice.


Rachel said...
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Rachel said...

just a question but i know for me and some of the other jewish kids on the team wednesday we have either hebrew school or conformation along with alot of the christains having religious school or conformation as well... is there any way to change that?

Jake said...

no, not right now. i know there's a bunch of different conflicts for a bunch of different people, but this is when we were able to get field space, so we'll have to deal. sorry.

practices will be more than just wednesday. so let's post this as a topic (still don't know how to do this...)

Mondays - 5-8
Wednesdays - 5-8
(Non-Tournament) Saturdays - 11-2

so plan on that, and we'll see you at burnes! jake

Carl Peaslee said...

Go to the top left, click the blogger, login, then do "new post" or something like that, then you should be able to write the post and then press publish.

I think it does mention practice being more than just wednesday but more clarification is always good.

The VP said...

yeah add me to the list of having conflicts both wednesday every week and most mondays. yeah UMTYMP is every wednesday and some mondays, and actually one of the deciding factors of joining HUrt last year for me was the fact that practice was Tuesday and Thursday. but yeah I know even the captain Greg has conflicts- maybe a different field? does it have to be burnes? but yeah tuesday and thursday, and even monday and thursday would work so much better.
