Thursday, August 10, 2006

World Junior Ultimate Championships

For those of you who don't know...Ultimate has become a global sport and with global sports come world championships. The World Junior Ultimate Championships are coming up August 13th-18th. There will be open teams from Canoodlia, Israel, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Australia, Colombia, and the USA. For women's there will be Canada, Finland, Australia, and the USA. This event only occurs every 2 years so you shouldnt miss out on following the fun. For those of you who don't know, Feldner and Yossi will both be competing with USA and Israel respectively...yet another reason to follow. Throughout the tournament there will be live score-o-matic results that go point by point. You all should be sitting at your computers clicking refresh every 5 seconds...i know i will. For more information go to it has information and pictures for most teams players and coaches and on the history of wjuc. Who will win this year, the legendary greats of Finland and Sweden?the powerhouse know as team USA?or those damn canoodlian scum? or maybe a massive upset by say...colombia???? check it out.

1 comment:

Carl Peaslee said...

Yossi is playing for israel? I didn't know that.