Saturday, September 23, 2006

Captain's Practice and Info Update

Here is a list of things players and their parents should be aware of:

1. I am going to start holding Captains Practices Tuesday and Thursday after school. These are optional, however, reccomended for people who see themselves playing at nationals this year. We will focus primarily on conditioning and physical training and then just do some throwing. For instance, I have been doing this vertical jump excercise that has already added 5 inches to my vertical and I would be willing to share it with anyone who came. We will meet in the Lindberg center by the doors to the outside at around 3:00.

2. The informational meeting originally scheduled for Sunday October 1st has been rescheduled to Saturday, September 30th at 12:30pm at the Hopkins High school cafeteria.

3. For those interested, the Club Sectionals tournament went well today. Our first game started out pretty rough with a lot of dropped passes and miscues but we got it together as the day went on. Those who are coming tomorow should meet at Lindberg at 7:15.

4. Anyone who want to go to Winnipeg should read the post below and follow its directions.

5. See you all at practice on Monday!


Carl Peaslee said...

Update: The tournament went really well today. Hopkins was starting to get its flow on and we were making some realy great plays.

A few notable tid bits:

Simon "Scar" Gotlieb skyed the crap out of some dude.

I got a Callahan.

Megan was skying 30 year old guys left and right.

Anyone else have any memorable moments from the tournament?

Robbie Shapiro said...