Sunday, September 17, 2006

Carwash Cleans Up!

Thank you to everyone who attended the carwash on Saturday. I am proud to inform that it was a great success. We raised exactly $1236.34. That is phenominal! Not to mention we had tons of kids show up and help.

It went very smoothly and thanks to everyone who brought treats to sell. I have to admit that I ate around half of them.

I may have caught a little bit of a cold with all the water but I am for sure going to see you all at practice on Monday!

It was a lot of fun and I know the carwash in January is going to be even better!


Jake said...

I'm very proud of all you hurtems making the effort to raise some funds, but carl - why would you ever say that you hated the treats everyone bought? despite what carl says, i'm sure they were delicious.

thanks everyone!!! j.

Carl Peaslee said...

Haha, I guess I should have proof read that. I mean to say ate.
