Sunday, October 08, 2006

Exit 69 Recap

We had a great weekend and an awesome start to Hopkins Open Ultimate.

Our first game Saturday morning was against a fellow high school team, Moundsview. We won this game pretty handily even though we were a little slow getting started.

Our next game was against the College team Eau Claire. They were not so experienced and we beat them, trading points until hard cap. Most notable, Sam Brickwedde got a Callahan in this game.

The final game of our pool was against Stout who was on par with Eau Claire. Luckily we won the flip and got the first downwind point. Just like previously, we traded until hardcap and thus won our pool.

We were now moving from the E pool to the A bracket. Our next game was against a number of experienced players, who played in the club circuit as Liquid Assets who had previosly beaten CUT, the #1 seed. They were a little too advanced for our many new players and we lost a good game to them.

That ended Day One. We had lots of players and not everyone got a lot of playing time but we accomplished alot and broke seed.

Day two began a little later than expected...

We "won" our first game against Milwaukee 15-0 ... when they failed to show up to the tournament, so we had a bye until 12:30.

Our first game of the day was against Iowa State. We started out a little slow and they go a few break points on us. Half came at 7-5. We answered big in the second half with two big break points to get a safe lead. The the game got pretty intense and we traded point until it was 11-10 us, game to 13, win by two. We got the downwind to bring it to 12-10. We could have just won the game on the downwind but we were able to score an amazing upwinder to win the game 13-10 and get into the "Chump"ionship (game for ninth place).

Our final game was against the hometeam St. Olaf and we didn't have much of a chance but we were still able to work the disc and get a number of good points.

Overall, we finished 10th out of 32 college and club teams and broke our original seed of 24.

Some highlights and notable plays include:

Greg's huge up wind hucks.

Alters 5 for 5 scoobers including one monster 30+ yarder, additionaly he domminated the skies with a broken toe and a stomach full of McDonalds hashbrowns.

Sam B. got a nice Callahan.

Scar had a great first tournament and was a TMVP runner-up.

I had a some nice break like this one to clinch the Iowa game.

Das Boot won TMVP with just all around consistant play and some beautiful hucks.


Anonymous said...

Nice work HUrt, way to break seed and show that you can play with the college teams. Keep working hard in the fall and winter because that is when you can get an edge on the competition. Good luck at Winnipeg.

Carl Peaslee said...

Yo Poke! How are you doing out in Colorado?

Jake said...

Yeah, RZR is right. university of iowa, iowa city. not ia state, ames.

Anonymous said...

I love pokey