Friday, November 24, 2006

Alumni Game

What:Alumni Game
When: Sunday, Nov. 24 11am
Where: Lindberg
Who: All past and present Hurt Players

All past and present hurt players are welcome.

I know people are leaving through out the day but feel free to show up for just a little while.

Sorry, things didn't get put together sooner. Lets plan on a Black Friday alumni game next year, make it a tradition?

Who wants a piece of '07?

1 comment:

Jake said...

Alums in attendance:
Yossi (UM Duluth Northern Lights)
Dan Curme (Carleton CUT)
Paco Jenson (Winona State Experience nee Klingonz)
Pedro Schmitt (UofM Grey Duck)
Hopkins Olson (St. Olaf Berzerkers)

alums picked up Jake, Brick, Flarney Stone, and Megan "Cheer Lover" Harrod.

Alums won 13-9 by busting up their zone and using a collective 78 feet of hight to continually have endzone deep looks.