Monday, November 13, 2006

Track Practice

Tomorrow we will be starting the first of a series of track practices leading up to acceleration. They aren't mandatory but we will be noting who is showing up to practices.

Finally, the soccer season and my injuries are over so Greg and I should be there every time. They will be Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:55 at the Track by the Athletic Dept. Office. You can leave whenever you need to.

We are going to start slow but eventually really push it but feel free to run however you are comfortable. Don't worry, I am really slow and out of shape.

Greg and I have set the goal to be able to run four miles at a decent rate by the time acceleration starts. I know that sounds like a lot but we will start small. It is important to have a good endurance base for when you start acceleration.

I hope everyone and especially Varsity hopefuls will be there.

Track Practice 2:55-whenever Tuesdays and Thursdays Lindberg


Carl Peaslee said...

they might im not sure yet

Anonymous said...

yo is this at lindbergh, i am fo sho hittin this up

Robbie Shapiro said...

ya sachs, it is