Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Hopkins Ultimate Open and Girls teams both get invitation to Nationals!

From Will Deaver:
Congratulations! Your team has been awarded a bid to the Open Division of the UPA HS Western Championships in Burlington, WA on May 12-13, 2007.
Congratulations! Your team has been awarded a bid to the Girls Division of the UPA HS Western Championships in Burlington, WA on May 12-13, 2007.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and good luck to both teams. Represent Hopkins Ultimate well.

Anonymous said...

Post scripting the previous anonymous, for those HUrt/HERtums who won't be at Madison Mudbath on April 21-22 and want to come check out some college ultimate, you should come support Grey Duck, Winona, and yes, even Carleton, on their path to hopefully college nationals. The previous college references would be for schools with HUrt alum on them (Paco at Winona, the male Curme at (unfortunately) Carleton, and Pedro/Mike/JerodandJoelJohnson at Minnesota. Plus, I know for a fact that Greg Arenson wants to see Kyle Gill play. So come check it out. Also, if anyone who can post on this blog other than in comments and would be willing to pass on this invitation, I would be much obliged.
Good luck from the gangly one,

Gregory said...

uhh.. yeah... said information about my wanting to see a certain ultimate boy play a silly game is untrue and slanderfull...

Anonymous said...

Greg is a dirty, though cheeky, liar.