Monday, April 09, 2007

Paideia players!!!!

For those of you who did not go last year - please remember that we are staying in someone's house this weekend. This means we all have to bring our own pillow, sleeping bag, towel, etc., not to mention all our Ultimate gear and tournament food! Please ask questions on the comments section here or ask your coach at practice this week.


Anonymous said...

is anyone coordinating carpooling for paideia?

Michael Schock said...

No official carpooling plan. You are encouraged to make plans for a carpool to the airport this week.

m said...

would it be possible to post the exact times and airlines and flight numbers for my parents' sake? I quickly glanced through the past posts so if I just missed it I'm sorry.

Also, Arensons, can I get a ride to AND from the airport?

Much appreciated,