Saturday, April 07, 2007

JV practices and Stuff

The JV team will be practicing on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30 on the Lindberg HS fields. That starts this week, late notice I know, but make it if you can because we've got a season ahead! Practice at 5:30 means that you are there with your cleats on, and warmed up, ready to MOVE! So get there at least 15 minutes early, or earlier if you tend to dither.

We have our first MN HS League game this week, and right now we only have a roster of 10. So when you come to practice, bring a $30 check to Hopkins Ultimate and I'll put you on the League roster. Our first game may be home or away, the schedule will be posted on Sunday at Check it out. One more thing: I have to have your UPA # to sign you up.

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