Tuesday, May 08, 2007


1- the game tonight against Cathedral has been postponed until further notice.

2- natties is this weekend (duh!) and i encourage you to look through your ultimate bag to make sure you have EVERYTHING you need. i know some of you need to go to a store to purchase your own pre-wrap, athletic tape, blister blocker, etc.

3- i haven't checked the weather lately, but hey - it's western WA so it may be rainy. Pack LOTS of socks - let's not have a repeat of "paideia feet"!

4- again, you are responsible for getting yourselves to the lindbergh airport and for bringing a picture ID!!

5- if you haven't sent becky a song to put on our playlist, then boo on you! do it now!!

6- angela and kali- don't forget to send out your cheers so everyone can learn them!!

7- i'm so freaking excited to be a part of this team!! thanks for all your hard work - can't wait to see it pay off!


Anonymous said...

Good luck HERt! Go be the first Hopkins squad to bring home the title.

k-rae said...

HEY- you should have heard this already, but - YOU ARE TO WEAR BLACK SHORTS WITH YOUR JERSEYS ALL WEEKEND (UPA RULES).