Saturday, October 20, 2007

Varsity at Carleton w/ CUT

The Varsity Practice Team has been offered to practice with CUT this Tuesday.

Captains are organizing rides from Lindbergh.

Expect a post from them with time of departure.

CUT will start practice around 3:45, on the fields
behind the Rec Center (Duerr Fields). We will need to leave around or before 3.

Coach Jake

PS - The UofM Grey Duck will be practicing with us in Hopkins Wednesday, Oct. 31.


brick said...

this is something that is going to be hugely beneficial for everyone that goes. CUT is going to be a force to be reckoned with this year in the college series, so if we work hard with them, we're going to learn alot. you should definitely make an effort to make the trip.

Anonymous said...

i cant make it i gotta work.


Anonymous said...

can women go? i really want to.

Jake said...

sorry, open only.

although you are a captain... maybe you should try to organize something with their captains, curmish...


Anonymous said...

CUT captains, or syzygy? it'd be fun and helpful either way.

Jake said...

syzygy, i'm sure. but clear it with your team to make sure it's something they want to do.
