Tuesday, October 16, 2007

HBTS Black Team Recap

I am posting it in the comments section.

Thanks to the Parents
Thanks to the Coaches
Thanks to the Tourney Organizers.

and go vote for the UPA Board of Directors!



Jake said...

Here are my thoughts on the weekend about the Black Team: I truly believe this team was the best and strongest team we have ever brought to a tournament. Hands down. Early on, we split up the 6 ladies into 2 lines (GV & Edina), and the 12 boys into 3 lines (Social Security, Medicare, & 401(k)). This allowed the Ladies to play 2 points on, 2 points off, and the boys to play 2 on, 4 off.

Saturday, we started off a little rocky... down 0-1 to the first team we played (SJR JV1). We proceeded to take the rest of the day 52-1 (4 games to 13 allowing SJR JV1 to score another point before the end of the game). Some of my favorite moments from the day include our decision to make the most of our time-outs in order to call end-zone plays -- and then executing them perfectly. It got a little out of hand when we were so excited to call a timeout that Capt. Curme tried to call the 3rd timeout in a half. Turnover. But it was funny, and we all had a good laugh over our own "Weber" on the team. In what could have been the most fun game of nearly any tournament I have coached, all 6 of our ladies were on the line with Ms. Roberta Shapiro (in a beautiful blond wig). Robbie looked like a longer-haired Beck-nasty out there and when he cut deep for a huck from Kali he boxed out his defender, only to majestically throw his wig down before skying the dude. Also , in our game against the #2 seed in our pool Capt. Brick started and finished the game off in an unforgettable manner: Pull, Footblock, catch the score (they didn't get to throw the disc). To finish the game, Brick got a handblock and scored again. Amazing. In this game as well, off a timeout call, the play nearly broke down, but enough defenders were poaching towards the called play that Capt. Baken was able to throw a perfect hammer to Brick for a score. I could see in her face that she was confused, yet confident that it was going to work -- "I can't believe I'm throwing... YEAH!!!" It was great!

Sunday started off a little rocky. We played Kuly's Leprechauns whom we had watched give CDH a game to Universe point on Saturday. They ended up losing, putting them #2 in their pool, playing us right away on Sunday. A hotly contested game with us seeing our first few times of switching up the lines to use a little more power and experience. We settled down after a bit and realized that we could take this game using our whole team and switched back to the lines on our way to victory 13-9(?). Our second game was possibly my most anticipated game of the weeeknd. Madison Memorial and Hurt have played each other numerous times and this year, Coach Dan Raabe is excited for his team's chances on a larger stage. The game was tight the whole time and while I can't really remember too many highlights, watching Farnageezer sky one of their taller, better players, I knew we had a momentum that no team was able to stop. Our ladies showed incredible resiliency through the weekend and were the key to this game. Thundercat proved that she made the correct decision on where she needed to be that weekend by simply owning the field every time she stepped on the line. We won this game 13-10. It was a very spirited game with great plays by both teams. Hightlight: A-Train had a layout about shoulder-high for a score. Phenomenal. Beautiful. Non-Injurious.

The finals against the host team SJR was a repeat of the 2004 & 2005 finals. We maintained our pre-ordained line calls and started off with a shock to the system. The pull goes to the middle of the field right on the endzone line and Tater streaks down to get a great 2-handed layout D. Curme throws to Brick for the score 1-0.
The next pull lands in the back-left corner of the endzone, swing to the front, throw to... Farns gets a sweet D, throws to Tater for the score, 2-0. 2pts, 2 d's. How can we ask for more? SJR calls a TO, regroups and comes back to tie it up 2-2. I think it got a little out of hand with our intensity turning into a lack of body control somewhere in there as we started running into some players and being a little TOO aggressive, but we were able to hold it back a little, play a cleaner game and tighten the screws to play OUR game and not some form of Slapstick-type brawling game (note: this is after the 4th or 5th point - the first few points shouldn't have gotten to that level). The rest of the game played out the way we wanted - where we were able to play OUR GAME. We didn't stress, didn't falter, and played incredible defense in order to win the game 15-4. The final point was scored by Bidness (Golob) on a textbook cut and score. A very proud moment for any coach.

Other highlights of the weekend:
Mara not being injured in a major (yet accidental) collision with some dude - hooray for her hockey experience.
Taylor playing like a champ and learning how cool it is to have so much trust in his teammates.
Dancing with Kari on the sidelines.
Watching MoneyG become more active when we challenged him to do more as a handler.
H's first tourney as a coach, bonding with the team and earning their respect instantly.
GArenson being his wonderful cool self on the field, and his wonderful goofy self (in the pink skirt) throughout the weekend
Scar consistantly coming up with some of the most amazing plays on both offense and defense. If he doesn't watch out, we'll start expecting that all the time... This kid's going to be great... Maybe even Gabe Fruchter-great... Maybe...
Squarshed with his inspiring play (layout d's anyone?) and constant commentary (no, seriously... constant). He even takes a lap now almost without having to be asked. They grow up so quickly...
and Snuggles captaining his first tourney. Nice work Snugs.

I would like to thank the parents who came along for the ride and for chaperoning the team the whole time. You made it so easy. Special thanks to the Moms who stepped up to help our waitress at Perkins taking orders, serving food and taking care of the money. You don't get enough credit, but hopefully you got some tips.

To Kell and Russ for coaching the Silver team - thanks and nice work! For the Silver Team - It took a couple games to get it down, but you were able to gel as a team and play well. It's a good start. I hope each of you will be able to build on your experience and take your games to the next level with that knowledge in mind.

Finally to H - thanks for being a great coach. I hope I didn't steal too much of your thunder, embarrass you too much (I like to think I'm an equal-opportunity teaser), or teach you all my secrets. You have a big future in coaching if you want, I can see it already. Thanks for your help.

Coach Jake
Hopkins Ultimate
HBTS Champions 2004, 2005, 2007

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

good to hear boys, hope i get to see you in st. louis this spring.


p.s. I hear you still chant my name... silly...