Monday, October 15, 2007

What Makes Hopkins Ultimate Special? Read The Post

Hi Ivan,
We are still a little bleary eyed from the long trip back from Winnipeg last night, but so thrilled that we were able to see the HURT Varsity Team win the tournament. You don't get to see something like that everyday! It was equally great to see the JV team play their best as well. We just wanted to let you know what an amazing experience it was to chaperone this trip. As always, the parent volunteers were wonderful and so much fun to be with on a chilly weekend morning, but it was the team members we were the most impressed with during the weekend.

These teenagers were the most respectful and well behaved group we have seen in a long time, and as you know, we have seen a lot of teenagers in and out of our house over the years. Not only were they respectful to the chaperones and other teams' members but most importantly, respectful to their own team members. No one ever had to ask twice for help, be it help stretching, finding a missing piece of under armor, getting a snack or water, or simply encouragement. When you say these kids are a family, you really know what you are talking about. Thanks again for all the hard work you and the other board members do for these kids, it is much appreciated. Cindy & Jon Tarshish

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeaaah HURTems, brothers and sisters...this is what we love to hear!! i'm so proud to hear that the parents love to be around us and proud of you guys for showing respect...we're awesome. i wouldnt have it any other way.
I LOVE YOU GUYS! my family outside of my family.
love, curmish