Friday, March 21, 2008

JV at Mudbath! April 19 & 20

Just to make it clear, the JV and the women's teams have been accepted to Madison Mudbath. We didn't think we'd get it, so we now need to know quick if you can make it. JV team, plz post in the comments if you can make it, or if you can't, or if you've got a 50% chance of going, or if you can only make it for 1 day, etc. Also, I know it's during passover, but we've made accommodations in Madison in other years, more to come on that.

Last year was a real blast, and a big step up for a lot of players. Our hosts were great, and the tournament is well run. Tell me if you want to go.


Anonymous said...

Daniel Raskin is in

Leach said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sam Segal is down

Anonymous said...

Aaron Kitchener is excited to go

Anonymous said...

Chris Farrell will be in attendance for sure

Anonymous said...

Tom Kachelmacher i suppose could go to madison
-not tom kachelmacher

Anonymous said...

frankel can possibly go

Anonymous said...

Spanky is in and fired up to go

Michael Schock said...

I am working on getting transportation and housing for the team. When you write in to say you are coming, please add your email and UPA number to your comment. Also, can you ask your parents to drive to Madison on that week-end? We will need at least 4 parents to drive.
Mike Schock

Anonymous said...


I can drive

Dan Mosow

Anonymous said...

Jackson brand wants in

Anonymous said...

chris j. code would like to go

Anonymous said...

sam bumsted wants to go upa # 158104 email

Anonymous said...

how much money is this tourney goin to cost?

Russell said...

Tourney fee will likely be <$20 a player, I'm not sure about food and gas. They have a feed on Satuday night at the school for those not attending Sader.

Anonymous said...

Adam Rafowitz is able to go
UPA#: 158086
Also, my mom may be able to drive. I'll know by the 1st.

Anonymous said...

Austin Skoglund can go