Sunday, March 30, 2008


Items you need in your ULTIMATE BAG for a tournament:
cleats (and a back-up pair)
Hopkins light jersey and black jersey
discs (with your name on them)
UPA Rules Book
water in reusable bottles
gatorade/powerade powder to add to water
appropriate foodstuffs for fuel (think carbs and protein)
extra socks
extra shoelaces
1st aid kit (personal inhaler? do you get blisters? do you use pre-wrap?)
appropriate clothing for weather (dress in layers, no cotton)
cash to buy merch and food

anything else you like to have in your bag that's not listed here, please post in comments section...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like to have a hat, gloves (for sidelines if its chilly or wet) and a towel to put in my waistband to wipe down the disc.

also i keep aspirin or advil in my bag
