Friday, October 03, 2008

Coach Jake's Announcement

Dear Hopkins Ultimate players, parents and extended family:

I'm in the process of letting everyone know, so trust me: You are all at the top of this list.

My wife has accepted a job in Burlington VT and we're very excited to announce that we will be moving there at the end of October. Trust me, this was not an easy
decision with all the commitments I have between Ultimate, work, family and friends. Hurt means the world to me and I hope (expect) to see you succeed in the next few years both individually and as a TEAM.

Know that I love each and every one of you. I'd like to publicly thank all the parents who have helped out in the past seven years I've been with the team and the coaches who have generously volunteered their time. It's been one of the greatest experiences in my life to work with this community, and I expect to keep in contact and see you all after I'm gone.

Thank you for being such a wonderful influence on my life and making me the person I am today.

With a heavy heart, I start my farewells this weekend at Exit 69, but am really looking forward to hanging out with most of you in Winnipeg.

Thank you,
Coach Jake


Anonymous said...


Good luck to both of you!

Ivan A

Sheri (Emma's and Sarah's mom) said...

You leave behind a great Ultimate legacy. I'm eager to see what happens to youth Ultimate in Vermont.
Sheri B.

Anonymous said...

You have been such a positive influence on these wonderful kids, best of luck to you and your wife!
Cindy & Jon Tarshish

Anonymous said...


We wish you well in Vermont. Good luck. It was great to have you in the HUrt family for all of these years. Good luck to you in Vermont!

The Rasmussens

Anonymous said...

Jake, Thanks for everything. You are truely an inspiration and I wish your family all the best!! Pam Wexler(Nathan's mom)