Thursday, October 16, 2008

Winnipeg: Weather and what to bring

  • Forecast:
    Saturday: 30% chance of showers ending by midday. Highs in the low 60s and lows in the low 40s.
    Sunday: Mostly sunny. Highs in the low 50s and lows in the mid 30s.
  • Items you need for a tournament:
    (and a back-up pair if you have them)
    Hopkins light jersey and black jersey (for new players, any black or white shirt is fine, non-cotton, synthetic material is best)
    Appropriate clothing for weather:
    Long underwear/performance layer for top and bottom (bring layers, no cotton)
    Hats: stocking for warmth and one to block sun
    Mittens or gloves
    Rain jacket and warm jacket and/or vest, something that will stop the wind
    Socks, bring extra – wool and/or synthetic, or anything but cotton is best! Cotton socks slip when wet, and create friction, which can give you blisters. They don't dry, hence leaving you with cold, uncomfortable feet. They will be more expensive but are worth the investment. Any sports/outdoors store should have these.
    Disc, if you have one (with your name on the back)
    UPA Rules Book (coaches will bring some for new players to read)
    Reusable water bottle(s)! Hopkins urges all players to have reusable bottles at practices and tournaments. Please be responsible citizens!
    Gatorade/Powerade powder to add to water if you choose
    Appropriate foodstuffs for fuel (think carbs and protein - some snacks provided, but best to provide your own)
    Extra shoelaces!!!
    1st aid items (personal inhaler, moleskin for blisters, pre-wrap if you use it often, Icyhot) Sunblock! You have a greater chance of burning on cloudy days.
    Cash to buy merchandise and food ($50-60 recommended for meals)
    Passport or certified birth certificate
  • See you at the Adath parking lot to load at 11:45 a.m., Friday. You can leave parked cars there. (Note: There have been break-ins in that parking lot so the synagogue cautions that you leave your car there at your own risk.)

From "H" aka Coach Heather Wood

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i heard it might rain sunday too so be prepared for that
