Friday, October 10, 2008

!!!!!!! PARENTS NOTE !!!!!

Just a bit of unfinished business:

  • We MUST know if your child IS or IS NOT going to Winnipeg before the end of the weekend. Of course, we need to get fees paid as soon as possible, as well; but if we haven't at least heard one way or the other from you or your child --- WE WILL ASSUME THEY ARE NOT GOING! Sorry to be so demanding, but we need to be able to finalyze the bus and room arrangements. And the hotel is requiring a deadline of next Monday morning.
  • We can still accommodate a couple more parents on the bus. We have six right now, but would really like to have 8 with us on the bus. Please think about joining us. It really is a great time. (At the risk of speaking for the rest of the chaperones who went to Kansas City last spring, we have the GREATEST group of young people you could hope to meet. At every step of the way, they simply made us proud to be able to tell everyone "they're OURS.") Anyway, please let me know if you'd like to come along for the trip of a lifetime -- Winnipeg in the end of October???
  • To be on the safe side, we need a Parental Permission form signed and notarized for each parent. Even if one parent is going along to Winnipeg, a form signed by the non-traveling parent must be completed (because of issues of custodial interference, etc.). It’s a hassle, no doubt, but it’s the government. Each year their requirements become more restrictive. most banks have notary publics in them. If you're having trouble finding a notary public, please call me. Most local bank branches have notaries, though there may be a small fee for their services.
  • One of the parents asked how much money to bring, how many meals will be provided and how many meals the athletes will be responsible for. Well... the bus will stop once each way at a Perkins-type or fast-food restaurant. We have made arrangements to have a salon gathering room at the hotel and are hoping to be able to provide continental-type breakfast for the athletes and parents there. Until we know how many are going, however, we don't know yet if the budget will accommodate the breakfast for all....but we're hopeful. Usually, we run for Subway sandwiches or the like during game days. Everyone chips in and eats. Saturday dinner is a barbecue sponsored by the tournament hosts, so there's no cost there. Otherwise, the only other expenses the athletes face are for personal snacks, souvenir tournament gear and attire, etc. I'll try to update on final meal counts, etc. as soon as I have a "final" count on Monday.
Thanks to all of you for your understanding, patience and support during this hectic process. If you have questions, don't hesitate to call me at 612-508-6965 or email me at

John Dailey

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