Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Calling all HURT families - Potluck approaching May 9

We will be hosting a pot luck dinner for the out of town teams and our own players on Saturday , May 9 during the Hopkins Hustle. Those players are invited to use the showers at West Junior High, and then join us in the cafeteria for dinner. We need your donations of food to make the evening a success. Please reply as to what you would like to bring on the blog. We'll post a running total so you can see what is needed.
Please deliver your food to the Hopkins West Junior High cafeteria on Saturday, May 9th between 4:45 and 5:30. Use containers that you don't need to get back, or mark your dishes extremely well. Food should arrive ready to serve, (send plastic utensils) as we will not have access to the kitchen.
Thanks so much for your support!

Pasta- bring enough to serve 15 people, suggested options:
Macaroni and Cheese (vegetarian)
Pasta with tomato & meat sauce
Cold pasta salad
We need 10 families to bring pasta (Already signed up: Jane Dailey, Francine Gersh, Barb Schoonover, Bumsteds, Segal-Cummings)

Salads- bring enough to serve 15 people, suggested options:
Lettuce salad
Veggie tray
Fruit salad
We need 10 families to bring salad (Already signed up: Colleen Bjerke, Amy Mastbaum, Jennifer Kreiman, Francine Gersh, Marge Petersen)

Desserts- bring 4 - 6 dozen, suggested options:
We need 10 families to bring Dessert (Already signed up: Sara Mekler, Judy Locketz, Linda Younger)

Bread & butter- bring enough for 50 people
We need 3 families to bring breads

Drinks- we will provide lemonade and ice water.

Posted for Judy Saltzman


Anonymous said...

Grewes will bring anything you need.

Anonymous said...

Tina Rafowitz will bring bread and dessert

Anonymous said...

Wendi And Rick Rosenstein Deserts

Anonymous said...

Tradewell's will bring a fruit salad and veggie tray.

Mikey K said...

thanks to all who are bringing food for the hustle! it's your support that makes our team and tournament great!

Anonymous said...

Schoonovers can also contribute cookies/bars

Anonymous said...

Schoonovers can also contribute cookies/bars

Anonymous said...

Bronsteins can bring salad.

Anonymous said...

Pesto pasta from the Arensons.

Unknown said...

Haapalas will bring dessert

Anonymous said...

Mary Burnton will bring dessert and bread.