Monday, April 27, 2009

Mudbath Aftermath

It was very disappointing to have the Madison Mudbath canceled beneath us this weekend. We were all quite ready for a big weekend of Ultimate play. I appreciate everyone's flexibility in adjusting and regrouping.

I had a question about refunds and I thought others may have the same question. The $35 paid by each player covered our team registration fees, coaches' travel and host gifts, and I'm afraid we spent all that despite the rain. The Mudbath web site has the following disclaimer::

As with all outdoor sporting events, the MadisonMudBath can be canceled or altered due to weather. The tournament is held on the athletic fields used by all Memorial high school teams during the spring and cannot be permanently damaged. If this occurs we will be unable to provide refunds.
Unfortunately, that means we have no refunds.

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