Saturday, April 11, 2009

*UPDATED* Housing NEEDED for the Hustle

What is needed in terms of Hosting:
-At least 3, possibly 4 Families to host full teams for the Hustle.
-10 (possibly more) families to host for SJR (2-3 kids per house)
They have 30 players coming (14 girls, 16 guys).
They'd bus down here on Friday the 8th to some central location and the host families would go pick up their kids - the players would stay with the host family for Friday and Saturday nights. Families would then be responsible for getting the players to the fields on Saturday morning and picking them up and the end of play Saturday afternoon .Then returning them to the field for play on Sunday morning w/ all their gear, and they'd return to Canada from the fields at the end of play on Sunday. The players - all HS students to the best of my knowledge - will sign a waiver agreeing to abide by all family rules and expectations of behavior. The kids will know that they'll be asked to leave if they fail to comply and they will be turned over to the cruel custody of the Canadian coaches ...... We'll let Hosting Families know if their players have special dietary needs or food or other allergies.

I have 3 families at the moment right now saying that they will host. So PLEASE if you can host either a whole team or a few Canadian players either post in the comment section or e-mail me @

Thank you so far to all the parents and players that have volunteered their time to help out with the Hustle.

-Rachel Abrams
Student TD


Anonymous said...

Hey rachel,
sorry i didn't reply to your text i was not in town this week but my parents both agree to having a team stay with us. My parents both work so if the team could have its own transportation that would be best and it is unlikely that we would be able to pick up from the airport. The least needy team as possible(boys) my mom requests
Thank you


Anonymous said...

due to space and having two younger sibs, i can't host a family sorry.-val schoonover