Friday, September 25, 2009

Cold Front Cooldown Rosters and Info

Captains’ Meeting for the Cold Front Cooldown is at 8:10 AM on Saturday. That means if you need a ride, you must show up at the back parking lot of Lindbergh at 7:15, and players will be leaving at 7:30. If you are driving separately, please be there at the fields by 8:10 AM. Coach Mike will be meeting players at the fields. Upperclassmen, please show up ready to drive.

People who have said they can drive so far are: Jenna, Haley, Eli, Ethan, Josh Klane, Rick or Wendi Rosenstein, Daniel Raskin. Upperclassmen who can drive, please make sure that all the younger players have rides before you leave Lindbergh. Captains are in charge Saturday morning.

The UPA Northwest Plains Open and Mixed sectional tournament is being held at the same location. Sectional fields are on the north end of the polo complex; the high school fields will be at the south end of the complex. There will be a separate tent and food for the high school tourney and the adult tourney; please make sure you are not taking the adults' food!

Dress for the weather! It could rain, it could be cold, it could be hot and sunny... be prepared! We play through rain, but obviously not thunder/lightning.

All players, please bring:
- a white (not gray!) shirt
- a black (or dark) shirt
- athletic shorts, cleats, and an extra pair of socks if you want to change
- sunscreen
- a hat if you want
- a water bottle
- a large plastic garbage bag (to put your stuff in if it starts raining)
- snacks for yourself if you want something besides bagels, bananas, and food for sale at the tourney
- a disc (if you have one) with your name on the back!
- YOUR WAIVER. You cannot play without a waiver signed by your parent/guardian (under 18) or yourself (over 18).
The two teams are as follows:

Hopkins 1 (captains in bold) – 17 players:
Josh Klane
Eli Leonard
Jenna Dailey
Haley Arenson
Carl Aanestad
Nihal Bhakta
Sam Bumsted
Greg Cousins
Jason Finkelstein
Evan Fischer
Jake Hoffman
Zach Mekler
Daniel Raskin
Ethan Rasmussen
Michael Ruble
Sam Segal
Jack Sussman

Hopkins 2 (captains in bold) – 20 players:
Coach Mike Born
Val Schoonover
Wyatt Mekler

Zach Berman
Aaron Blaser
Danny Gollin
Maddie Hudek
Margo Levitt
Drew Locketz
Chris Lovagnini
Josh Margolis
Benji Mosow
Aaron Raskin
Joel Ratner
Brett Rosenstein
Matt Rosenstein
Jeremy Steinman
Adam Tarshish
Bailey Taylor
Jordan Taylor
Trey Taylor

Games should go until 5:30 or so. Other coaches besides Mike Born will be at the fields but playing at Sectionals, so they should be able to stop by and check in but not be there all the time.
Please let me or your captains know if you have any questions.

Mikey K


Anonymous said...

good luck everyone!!!

val said...

make sure you eat breakfast

Anonymous said...

congrats for playing well on such a beautiful day for ultimate.