Monday, September 21, 2009

Cold Front Cooldown Waiver Needed for ALL PLAYERS

Hey Team -

All players who are going to play at the Cold Front Cooldown need to print out, sign, and return this waiver.

Players over 18 need to sign and return this waiver.

Players under 18 need to review the waiver with their parent or guardian and have them sign and return this waiver.

All players must turn this waiver in by Saturday morning, or else they will be unable to participate in the Cold Front Cooldown.



Anonymous said...

its says i cant download or print the waiver unless i have a googledocs account...any help?
-jeremy steinman

Mikey K said...

get a google account. you can use it for gmail!

Mikey K said...

there will also be some waivers handed out at practice tonight

Anonymous said...

You need think about it. Despite the emails, the overwhelming evidence showing global warming is happening hasn't changed.
"The e-mails do nothing to undermine the very strong scientific consensus . . . that tells us the Earth is warming, that warming is largely a result of human activity," Jane Lubchenco, who heads the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, told a House committee. She said that the e-mails don't cover data from NOAA and NASA, whose independent climate records show dramatic warming.