Thursday, September 30, 2010

Exit 69 Info Part 1


There is a tryout tournament that is mandatory if you want us to know you are trying out for varsity. You must go to try out. All people 10th grade and up and those we have talked to who are freshmen are able to try out. If you are not one of these people, and you would like to be considered, talk to a coach and a captain.

It is called Exit 69. It is in Northfield, Minnesota at St. Olaf and Carleton College, and yes, it is a college tournament. We will be carpooling there around 8 on both saturday and sunday and we play either three or four games a day. More details will be posted once the tournament gets closer. But this is the base of what you need to know. Varsity tryout. College tournament. Northfield. Two Full Days 8-4or5. We will carpool.

If you are interested, POST YOUR NAME in the comments, and we will make a final roster for tryouts later this week with more details. If you can not come, but want to tryout, talk to captains and coaches and post that as well


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Exit 69 Tournament

Please remember that if you are signing up to play this weekend at Exit 69, you must be a registered member of our team! There are some people who have posted that they are attending who have not yet sent in their forms and check. You can find all the forms in the registration post(linked on the right) Bring your completed forms and check with you to practice tonight.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thursday Practice at Maetzold - 6pm

We understand that there are some players that are still deciding if they want to register. If this applies to you, we need a medical authorization form from you if you want to participate at practice. This is for liability reasons, your safety, and does not fully commit you to HUrt or cost you anything.

See the registration post (linked on the right) to find a copy of this form.


As it gets colder, please dress for the weather. You should not be shivering at practice, you should be sweating. Long tights and long sleeve synthetic/wool tops are recommended. It is every Hurtem's responsibility to be Toasty Warm.


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Swarm Fundraiser

We need to know how many of you are interested in participating in the fundraising opportunity at the Swarm game on January 8th, that Stephen Elias talked about at the registration meeting. This is another opportunity for us to raise a large amount of funds for the team, and it sounds like a fun evening!

We would have to sell 150 tickets with a face value of $42.00. These would cost us $17.00, and we would sell them for 20 or 25 and keep the profit. During the game team members would sell chuck-a-balls, which they use for a competition after the game, for $2.00 each. We would keep all profit from the balls sold. They have two groups selling at each game so there would be competition to try and sell a lot of balls. We are only going to do this if we get enough people to commit ahead of time.

Please contact Stephen or post a comment if you are interested. If we don't have enough people in one week we will not be able to do this.

Stephen or

Cub Fundraiser

First I'd like to thank all of the parents who signed up for a shift at Cub during our registration meeting. For those of you who didn't get an opportunity, you're in luck, it's not too late! We've got a few shifts left that could use one more person. Please email me at if you are able to help out with any of the following dates. Thank you!

10/7; 2-5:30 shift
10/14; 2-5:30 shift
10/21; 10:30-2 and 2-5:30 shifts
10/28; 10:30-2 shift

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday Practice & Exit 69

Practice tonight is at 6pm at Lindbergh #1. Daylight is limited, so please be ready to warm up at 6.

For boys 9th grade and up, we will be planning for the Varsity Tryout Tournament this weekend, October 2-3, in Northfield, MN. If you have a conflict this weekend, you need to tell me at practice tonight.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

PLEASE REVIEW - Winnipeg - Hold Back the Snow - Player Availability

The following players, have expressed interest in making the trip to Winnipeg for Hold Back the Snow. Hold Back the Snow is the weekend of 10/16. We depart Friday 10/15 at 12:30 and return early Monday morning.

If you are on this list and have NOT YET REGISTERED TO PLAY FOR THE SEASON, please do so immediately or you will not be invited to go.

Here's the list...Girls (11):
Haley Arenson
Erynn Schroeder
Alexa Schroeder
Rachel Johnson
Mia Bronstein
Maddie Hudek
Nicole Benson
Linette Maeder
Shoshana Engleson
Brie Karls

Uncertain: Bailey Taylor, Sam Gollin

Boys (33):
Jake Hoffman
Aaron Raskin
Daniel Raskin
Wyatt Mekler
Zach Mekler
Michael Liberman
Benji Mosow
Chris Lovagnini
Dylan Younger
Jason Finkelstein
Jake Beggin
Sam Bumsted
Joel Ratner
Drew Locketz
Sam Parker
Aaron Blaser
Danny Gollin
Adam Shapiro
Eli Leonard
Josh Margolis
Jacob Elias
Will Cohen
Benny Greenfield
Jordan Taylor
Braden Spencer
JJ Pira
Jeremy Steinman
Alex Lehman
Ethan Friedman
Zach Condon
Mark Barry
Jordan Barry
Max Rosen

The above list includes the responses that we have received so far. If you are on this list and should not be, please post a comment. Again, this is not the final list of who will be attending and who will not be, but just a list of who has let the club know they are available to be considered for an invite. Unfortunately we have limited space on the bus and on our two teams, so not everyone who wants to go will be able to. If you haven't already submitted your name, the deadline has passed; we will still have a waitlist after we pick teams from the names above. The only changes we are asking for are from the people already on the list. Remember, if you don't have a valid passport you cannot go to Winnipeg.


Practice Thursday 9/23 - CANCELED

I have reports that Maetzold is under several inches of water - so we will cancel practice tonight.

Things you can do inside after you finish your homework...

1) practice switching grips
2) pivot & fake - keep your balance, try using a chair in front of you as a mark
3) try to spin a disc like this super cool guy


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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Registration Forms

If you haven't gotten your registration forms yet, all four are now available in this post. Click on each link and download them. Remember you will not be allowed to practice on Thursday if you are not officially registered!! Bring your registration forms and check with you to practice if you haven't already done so. registration form, USA Ultimate waiver and Application, team guidelines; this is 2 pages and includes our team CHEMICALS POLICY, and the medical form.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sectionals Tournament - 9/25 - 9/26


We have an opportunity to play at Club Sectionals the weekend of September 25th in Maple Plain, MN (Twin Cities Polo Club).

Decisions about whether or not we will send a team must be made by Monday, September 20th.
The team will most likely be Coed, and games would be against college and adult club players.

**Sorry everyone - we did not fulfill roster requirements and will not be going to Sectionals. Keep an eye out, there may be a captains practice.**


Please get your registration forms and checks in as soon as possible; now that we are holding actual pratices it's important for us to have you registered. You can bring your forms and check to practice tonight-I will be there at the beginning of practice to collect any registrations, or please mail asap to -

Dan Mosow
14807 Wellington Road
Wayzata, MN 55391

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Winnipeg travel details

17th Annual Hold Back The Snow Ultimate Tournament
October 16th and 17th, 2010
Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Tournament Fees
This year's trip will cost $30.00 less than last year thanks to our fundraising efforts this summer.

Athletes: $165.00(includes: coach bus ride, 2 nights lodging, coaches' rooms and per diem expenses, buffet breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning, field food snacks, and tournament fees)

Parents/Chaperones: $65.00 for roundtrip coach bus trip(and you are also welcome to join us at our private buffet breakfast!)

Please make checks payable to "Hopkins Ultimate". Checks should be mailed to Sara Mekler, and must be recieved by October 10th.

Sara Mekler
12410 Huntingdon Lane
Minnetonka, MN 55305

Departure on Friday, October 15th
12:00 p.m. We will start loading the bus in the Adath Jeshurn Congregation parking lot. We will leave for Winnipeg at 12:30 SHARP!!

There will be one stop enroute to the US-Canadian border for dinner(player responsibility)
We should arrive at the hotel between 9-10 p.m.

Hotel Information
Holiday Inn Winnipeg-Airport West

This is the same hotel the team has stayed at for the last three years. It is located about a mile west of Assiniboine Park, where Hold Back The Snow is played.

Parents wanting to reserve rooms at our rate, please let me know; I believe it will be
$135.00(CAD) including all taxes for up to 4 people. I will be able to confirm this shortly. We will reserve the room for you and you will be able to put it on your credit card upon arrival.

Return on Sunday, October 17th/Monday morning October 18th
If timing is similar to the last few years we should be on the road by 5 p.m. Allowing for a brief dinner break and border crossing, we should arrive back at the Adath Jeshurun Congregation parking lot between 1-2 a.m. Monday morning.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Winnipeg trip

If you are planning to travel to Winnipeg and play in Hold Back the Snow, October 15-17, please post a comment as soon as possible so we can get an idea of who is interested in attending. Remember, we are limited to 36 players. I will post all details tomorrow; I just wanted to get this posted so you could start signing up

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First Official Practice

Please join us for practice on Thursday September 16th at 6pm at Maetzold Field (1215 1st St. N, Hopkins)

Thanks again for coming to the Registration meeting!

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Registration Meeting

Just a reminder that our first team meeting and season registration is tomorrow night in the HHS lunchroom at 7:00. Please attend with a parent! We will have all forms available for you to fill out at the meeting.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Captain's Practice 9

Date: Sunday September 12th
Time: 1:00pm-3:15pm
Place: Lions Park in Golden Valley

What to bring: white and dark shirt, more water than you think you need, cleats and a disc(if you have them), and at least one friend. We practice rain or shine

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Captain's Practice 8

Captains Practice #8

Date: Friday September 10th
Time: 3:30pm-5:30pm
Place: Lions Park in Golden Valley
Anyone who can make it, please do. We do understand that Rosh Hashana takes priority in many families, so do whatever you can.
What to bring: white and dark shirt, more water than you think you need, cleats and a disc(if you have them), and at least one friend. We practice rain or shine

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Fall Registration Meeting

Tuesday, September 14th, 7:00pm
Hopkins High School lunchroom

Players and parents, this is the official beginning of our season! We will have a short meeting followed by registration. Forms will be available on the blog for you to print and bring with you and we will also have all forms available at the meeting.

Captain's Practice 7

Captains Practice #7

Date: Tuesday September 7th
Time: 4pm-6pm
Place: Lions Park in Golden Valley

At practice we said it would be on wednesday, but because it is rosh hashana then, it is now tuesday. This means that we need to spread the word to people about the changes.

What to bring: white and dark shirt, more water than you think you need, cleats and a disc(if you have them), and at least one friend

Friday, September 03, 2010

In response to the recent comments about the fate of the girls team:

1. Our main priority is to have a girls team. So recruiting is not a suggestion, it is necessary. The men's teams should do their part to recruit as well. This is something that affects the whole club (i.e. HBTS, a coed tournament).

2. No decisions have been made about what happens if we don't have enough girls.

3. We have options that would allow all girls who register to play in some capacity - but again it fully depends on how many girls we get. I'll be talking more about this at practices, but you can also call me if you have concerns.


Thursday, September 02, 2010

Captain's Practice 6

Captains Practice #6

Date: Sunday September 5th
Time: 1pm-3pm
Place: Lions Park in Golden Valley

I know it is labor day weekend, but hopefully you are all still in town. If not, I understand and it is fine, but if you're here please come out.

What to bring: white and dark shirt, more water than you think you need, cleats and a disc(if you have them), and at least one friend

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Cub Foods Fundraiser

Players and Jr High parents; if anyone is available to work just one hour at the food stand tomorrow(Thurs, Sept 2) from 4:30-5:30 please respond to this post! The High School open house is at 5, so if nobody can work, I'll have to close early and we won't make our full $400 for the day.