Monday, November 29, 2010

Sweatshirt Orders

Hello Ya'll,

I hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving. It is time to put the orders in for the sweatshirts and get them in the mail so we can have them for the long and cold upcoming winter. However, before I order them, i need to have the money before ordering them. The final cost on them is 29 dollars. This can be cash or check made out to me. If you have any questions please post them on the comment section or email me or erin, and she can forward emails on to me also. Please get the money to me soon so that we can get the order on it's way.
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Anonymous said...

when will our team indoor practices start

Anonymous said...

Haley, can you give your address so checks can be mailed to you? Thanks

Erin said...

Indoor practices will start sometime in January, but we are still working on the exact dates.

Keep an eye on the blog, and keep working out and throwing with your teammates.


Anonymous said...

11933 orchard ave west, minnetonka, mn.


Max Sandler said...

hey wat is your email

Anonymous said...

Haley - thank you for coordinating the order of the sweatshirts! and sorry for my delay - we were away for the holidays..and the days keep getting away from me. CAn you please send me your last name and address and i will send you a check for 29 immediately. Thank you.
Max Sandlers Mom - Stacy Sandler