Friday, November 12, 2010

Sweatshirts for EVERYONE

Hello Everyone,

So girls are ordering sweatshirts. We want to get them sooner rather than later, however we wanted to spread this to everyone, guys on jv and varsity, alumni, parents, etc, that are interested in a Hopkins ultimate sweatshirt. I posted a link below to show you what our sweatshirt design is. I think it would be awesome if we got them and all looked united, however this is extra money that is not part of the money your parents paid for registration. The more people we get to purchase a sweatshirt the less they will be. As of now, only estimating for nine people, the sweatshirts are 31 dollars. If you are interested please post below with your size, and the name you would like to have on your sweatshirt. I will keep those interested updated on the price as hopefully more people decide to get them.


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Anonymous said...

The design looks good Hayley. I'll take a small please.

Anonymous said...

i like it! i'll will take a small

-joel ratner

Mia said...

hay, these look really good. i'll take a small with bronstein on the back.

Anonymous said...

These are so awesome Haley. Nice job!
Jake Hoffman would enjoy a large one!

-Jake Huffmin

Anonymous said...

great job haley, Ill take a large z-mek

Anonymous said...

Josh Margolis would like an adult large with "Margolis" on it. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Jordan Barry would like an Adult Large with "Barry" on it. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Mark Barry loves a cool sweatshirt. Adult XL "Barry" on it. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

sorry could i have a medium instead with Ratner on the back


Michael said...

Excellent Haley! I'll take a Medium with Lieberman on the back!
-Michael Lieberman

Anonymous said...

Could I please have "Bonesaw" on the back? Thanks Haley!

-Jake Hoffman

Anonymous said...

I will definately get one. Prbobly an XL because my washer shrinks my clothes to doll-size if I don't.

Danny Graybow

Anonymous said...

I like the design and i think ill take a large with raskin on the back.

-Little raskin

Anonymous said...

These are really awesome!!! I like it! Ill take a large, please!


Anonymous said...

Nice Haley! Ill take a medium with Y-Mek on the back

Maddie said...

Nathaniel would like a xl with Hudek on the back and I forgot to tell you I'd like Hudek on the back of mine too please

Anonymous said...

Wow these look pretty sweet! I'll take medium with Blaser on the back.

-Aaron Blaser

Anonymous said...

Oh with Younger on the back too please! Again, awesome design!


Anonymous said...

awesome! one adult small and one adult large please.

- Gollin and Samantha

Anonymous said...

oh and mine can say gollin on the back and my sisters will say tankenoff

Anonymous said...

Jason Herzog will take a medium with Herzog. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Sick! I would like a small with COHEN on the back. Thanks !!!!!!!!

Max Sandler said...

Max Sandler would like to order an Adult Small with "Sandler" on it.
Thank You.

- Stacy Sandler

Anonymous said...

Benji Mosow would like an adult medium with "MOSOW" on the back...Nice design