Tuesday, May 24, 2011

JV Game vs. Sibley A - Take Two

Many players who had an opinion on Thursday's game vs. Henry Sibley failed to register them on the blog, as requested. I had to hear about scheduling conflicts second hand at practice. You have one more opportunity to register your availability for the game.

This is a big game against a competitive varsity opponent. It may also be our last league game before State. Please make every attempt to make it.

Players, if you intend on attending Thursday's game, please post the earliest time you can meet at Lindbergh for departure by 5pm tomorrow. We'll come up with something that works for the majority of the team.

Here is the information from the previous commenters:

Drivers: Raskin (3 players), Locketz (4 players?), Lovagnini (4 players), Lieberman (tentative, unknown capacity, possibly late departure).

As early as 3:30: Raskin, Lovagnini * 2
Not specified (presumably OK for early departure): Margolis, Krelitz, Kaminsky, Shear, Franklin, Herzog
Potential timing issues (more details required): Locketz, Lieberman

We could definitely use more player commitments, but we can't plan a carpool without knowing how many players will be attending. Likewise, we won't force an early start if it doesn't work for the team, but we need to know your plans ASAP.


Anonymous said...

Aaron Raskin would prefer regular start time at 615

Coach Mike B said...

Thanks for your input. Preferences will be considered, but we are most interested in the earliest time you are able to depart from Lindbergh.

Anonymous said...

Brandys can go to the game and needs a ride there can be at lindberg when ever

Anonymous said...

Josh Margolis can be at Lindbergh any time after 3pm. He will need a ride both to the game and back to our house. We'd like to help, but our other son has a band concert downtown that evening.

Anonymous said...

Trey can play anytime. Taylors can only drive both ways to a game ending by 6:00. We can drive to a regular start game, but not home. We can take 4 players. Trey will need a ride back to Lindbergh for a regular start game.

Anonymous said...

Jason Herzog can be at Lindbergh anytime

Anonymous said...

The earliest time i can leave is around like 3:30. The second thing is i can only drive 1 other person right now and Asher asked me if i could drive him.

-Drew Locketz