Thursday, May 12, 2011

Westerns - what to bring


Note that our flight leaves at 7am, the carpool will leave from Lindbergh a LOT earlier than that.

I cannot stress enough the importance of packing this weekend. We have to plan for every possible situation, and there are USAU rules about jerseys/shorts that we have to follow.

weather in Corvallis - our "2011 home weather" is wind/rain, let's show the other teams how to stay Toasty Warm.

Packing list for the weekend:
your kit (BOTH jerseys, HUrt shorts, cleats, tights, reusable water bottle etc.)
rain gear: rain coat, trash bag, winter hat, gloves/handwarmers
many socks - wool or synthetic
outerwear: sweats, a warm jacket, sweatpants/rain or wind pants
snacks - high protein items and carbs that are easy to digest
(beef jerky, clif shot blox, trail mix, gatorade powder, gu, granola bars etc.)
a disc with your name/team written on the back in dark permanent ink

street clothes
Liquids policy
Photo ID
USAU membership card if you have one (just in case)
your inhaler, or any other meds you need

try for one carry on + a backpack (your personal item). If you're planning on checking a bag - the extra cost is on you, and you need to tell Sara before we leave the HS.

Represent the family.

Family: want to follow along? there's a lot of info right here

**For those of you who have a tendency to get pulled over in the security line (ahem): empty your water bottles, don't pack bug spray/sun screen in more than 3oz amounts, and get your electronics ready in a separate bin.

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