Saturday, September 08, 2012

Fall Practices start 9/11

Hurtems & Hertets,

All team fall practices start this week, and we're excited to be back with the family!

- Practice starts at 6pm, which means we're running our warmup at 6pm.  Please arrive early enough to cleat up.
- Each Hurtem/Hertet is responsible for bringing a White jersey, a Dark jersey, their own water bottle (preferably reusable), and a disc with their name on it.  Grey jerseys don't count!
- We will be keeping attendance at practices this year - so make sure you find the sign up sheet at every practice.

- On Tuesdays we're at WJH behind the structure.  This is a new field to us, so give yourself a few extra minutes to find it.
- The construction at Maetzold is complete! We're excited about the turf and the lights. We'll be here on Thursdays and occasional Wednesdays in October.

In the fall we battle with sunset for when practice is over.  When we're at Maeztold, we'll have lights so it won't matter.  When we're at West, we'll often finish practice 15-30 minutes after dark.  I will try to post pick up times accurately on the blog before hand, but just know we're at the mercy of conditions.

See you on Tuesday!

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