Monday, September 24, 2012

Winnipeg info

The following people either have none or only part of their registration materials in, and will not be considered for the HBTS rosters, if they don't either have them at Sara's by 4:00 Tuesday, or they've contacted Sara.

Aaron Raskin
Sam Parker
Trey Taylor
Will Cohen
Oliver Lee
Riley Kendall
Hattie Holm
Claire Smart
Overflow list-
Brandon Fountain
Winnie Brand

First thing; if we don't have all of your registration materials-all forms completely filled out, and payment, you will not be put on the HBTS this point, 12 of the 36 people signed up are in this position. If your paperwork and check isn't either mailed or dropped off at Sara's by Tuesday, your spot will be given away. If there is a problem, contact Erin or Sara immediately. 

Parents, please let me know if you are planning on traveling to Winnipeg with us. Whether you're planning on riding the bus or driving, I'd like to get a head count on how many adults will be there. We are going to be staying at the Country Inn and Suites this year. They've given us a group rate of $105.00 per night plus tax, but I need to give them a final number by the end of the week for how many rooms we will need. 

I'm finalizing all the costs, but am looking at the price for the trip this year to be @$200.00 give or take $15.00.  I'll have a final price up on the blog by Tuesday. Once this price is determined, it will be due by the end of next week.


Unknown said...

When do people find out if/who their spots are taken by?

Erin said...

Rosters will be finalized Tuesday evening.