Monday, September 24, 2012

Feed my in-box update

We've found some answers to everyone's questions regarding the late arrivals of blog posts when you subscribe to feed my in-box. Apparently, this service only sends out emails once a day, unless you subscribe to a full version, and pay $5.00 a month...per email address. Obviously, this is not something the team is going to do, and not something I even recommend each of you do on your own. If you bookmark the blog, during busy times of the season, it's pretty easy to take a quick peek at it a few times a day if needed. We will continue to look for other services that are similar, and will give us the freedom to have notices sent out in real time, without any fees. I'll keep you updated, but in the meantime, we appreciate your patience as we continue to look at new options. We're attempting to embrace new technology as you may have noticed with our Winnipeg sign up, and would love to hear what you think about it. Thanks for your patience!

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