Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Upcoming Clinics

Wanna get better at Ultimate?  Some stuff is coming up.

Rise Up is an organization that is partnering with MNYU to provide clinics for both players and coaches.  Registration for their events is here: - Please note that as our sport continues to grow, parents will eventually be in a position to coach 3rd-8th grade teams (kind of like basketball and other varsity sports).  I'm not saying that this is happening anytime soon, but I do want to make sure you know that ANYONE is allowed to attend coaching clinics.  You don't have to be a certified anything to go to those.  So if you're interested in learning more about ultimate, or how to teach throwing etc., consider attending yourself!

The Carleton Ultimate Summer Program (CUSP) is a week-long residential summer experience for rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors held at Carleton College in Northfield, MN. The program focuses on teaching sports psychology, team-building, mental preparedness, and leadership using Ultimate as a vehicle to reinforce these concepts. The Program runs from July 27 to August 2, 2014. Participants will be housed in Carleton residence halls. All meals, activities, and equipment are included in the registration fee. The cost is $675 before April 30, 1014 and $725 after April 30, 2014Contact Carleton Summer Ultimate

Registration is also open for quite a few summer ultimate camps:

Others should have 2014 dates soon:

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