Monday, February 17, 2014

Upcoming Varsity Tournaments

Varsity Hurtems & Parents,

We got enough to go to Chicago Invite, and we were officially invited to Paideia Cup.

We'll talk more about this at Registration, but there are some action items:

1) Since the girls aren't going to Chicago, we can't get a bus.  We'll need to consider whether we have enough parents to drive, or if we need to rent 15 passenger vans.  Parents, if you are willing to drive to Chicago, please contact either Norma Wolk or Sarah Norsted-Cohen (or speak with one of them at Registration).  We'll need to figure out logistics.

2) Players, please discuss with your parents and then SIGN UP for Paideia.  Since this is a flying tournament and airfare fluctuates, we'd like to make travel decisions by March 1st.  That means that we must have 16 boys signed up in the sign up genius by March 1st.

3) Players, please plan ahead.  You'll be coming off spring break and going into a back-to-back tournament situation.  That means you need to be on top of all your life stuff before & during spring break so you don't suffer for attending these tournaments.

Let's go places.

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