Thursday, April 24, 2014

Madison Mudbath 2014 Update

Hurt/Hert Players & Parents,

This post has everything you might want to know about Madison Mudbath.  Special shoutout to Jonathan Fogel for getting everything organized for this weekend!

Departure: Meet at the Adath parking lot at 2:45

Team rosters can be found here:  Rosters

The schedule is here:  Schedule
Hopkins Black is "Hopkins B" & Hopkins Silver is "Hopkins C.  The teams have staggered start times but both teams will be arriving at the fields by 8:30am

Your weekend weather report: Weather
We have a lot of variety this weekend with sun, rain, and cold mornings.  Make sure to bring rain gear as well as cold weather gear.

Packing list for the weekend:

sleeping bag/pillow (players are sleeping on the floor)
towel, shower kit, swim suit (we shower at Memorial HS)
your kit (jerseys, shorts, cleats, reusable water bottle etc.)
rain gear: rain coat, trash bag, winter hat, gloves/handwarmers
more socks
additional socks
LAYERS - no cotton!
2x LAYERS (you will get wet/muddy; you will need a spare)
outerwear: sweats, a warm jacket.
snacks - high protein items and carbs that are easy to digest
(beef jerky, clif shot blox, trail mix, gatorade powder, gu, granola bars etc.)
A GARBAGE BAG-if it rains you want to keep your gear dry.

Also, remember to pack clothes to change into after showering on Saturday(if you put all this together with your towel, shower kit etc, in a plastic bag, then you won't forget it when you leave for the fields Saturday morning!)

You'll also want something clean to put on for the ride home on Sunday.

See you tomorrow!

Your email:

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