Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Thanks Mother Nature

The game tomorrow is an AWAY game in PRIOR LAKE! In order to participate players need to sign up on the signup genius and indicate if they:
-need a ride 
-have a ride
-if parent can drive others 
PARENTS please signup also using the same link
You can click on the link in the upper right hand corner of the sidebar. 
Carpools need to be assessed. 
This is JV SILVERS 1st League Game :-).  The signupgenius gives departure times for games. Players need to be at fields 45 min to 1 hour to warm up and run prior to game time (6:00pm always unless otherwise noted). 
We need many more players to fill a roster!  

~ I understand parent and family work schedules are a challenge at this time of day. If parents or players (hmmm that's a better idea!)Make some PB&J sandwiches for the car! Or pick up Subway and kids can eat in the on the way if necessary.  

Questions? Team parent Susan Resnick is your resource. 

Thanks Silver!  Good luck tomorrow!


Due to the snowstorm JV practice is moved to WJH tonight. This JV practice is for the BLACK TEAM ONLY! Silver will have practice at lions park or Sandburg Learning Center tomorrow. And Silvers game is still a go for Thursday. Blacks game on Thursday has been postponed and will be having practice instead.


Your email:

Need to talk to Coach Erin?

Need to talk to Coach Finn? hurt.coach.finn@gmail.com or:

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