Monday, January 28, 2008

People needed to help sell tickets @ lunch for Hurt Jam

Hurt Jam is right around the corner and we need to start selling tickets. For people that buy them at school during lunch the cost is $5, and it is $6 at the door. From Wednesday to Friday we are going to be selling them at lunch, and help is greatly needed for selling tickets. Around 3 people are needed to sell tickets during each lunch, and so we could get 3 people per lunch every day that would be amazing!
I know 1st and 3rd have a good amount of ultimate players in each, but I do not know of many in 2nd or 4th. If you want you can post in the comment section if you can help sell tickets... or just show up.


P.S. We need a cash box. If anyone has one that can be borrowed for the week, please post that in the contact section... again Thanks!!


m said...

How its done:

Sit at lunch and basically spread the word is more important than literal ticket sales. When someone wants to buy a ticket, take $5 and write their name down in a specified notebook. we will have this notebook at the door night of and cross out people who come (disallows hard copying of tickets for free entry). If people want to buy tickets at the door they're $6


Anonymous said...

I can sell tickets second lunch.

Haley said...

we had a money box but i think we gave it to mimi klane. Call her if you need one i think she still has it

Haley said...
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Robbie Shapiro said...

i have a cash box

Rachel said...

robbie... can you bring it tomorrow to school???

Anonymous said...

i can sell 3rd and 2nd lunch p.s. i am writing this message through my ps3......awesome farns

Anonymous said...

hey i'm game for 3rd lunch