Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Message from Our Elders

Hey Hurt/HERt-

I hope everyone's school year has started off well. Congrats on
another Hold Back the Snow championship! I am confident that I am
going to be able to make it up to Westerns in Blaine this spring,
which is very exciting.

I am emailing all of you in regards to voting for the UPA Board of
Directors. In case you weren't aware, I am a nominee for the Central
Region position this year. You can read my statement and listen to my
audio interview on the UPA Website (
). If you like my ideas, and would like to see some Hopkins
representation on the UPA Board of Directors, I would love to have
your vote. Every vote counts!

You can vote by logging into your UPA account at:

Once you have logged in, click on the word "vote" in the large box
referring to the election. Select "Central Region", and then choose
the candidate(s) you want to support!

Hope to be in touch with all of you soon!

Ben "Hollywood" Feldman
Hopkins HUrt 2004-2006

1 comment:

Mikey K said...

Vote early, vote often. Make your voice heard!