Thursday, October 23, 2008

Varsity Tryouts

Hey Everyone,

If you are trying out for the Varsity team it would be much appreciated if you could post your name under the comments section. This way we have a list and know who is interested.




Anonymous said...

Sam Segal

Anonymous said...

jacob frankel

Mikey K said...

mikey k. come to practice if you want to make the team!!!

Unknown said...

Michael Tradewell

Anonymous said...

Colin Joseph (best middle name ever) Camp

Anonymous said...

jake hoffman

Kitty said...

Eli Kieffer (my middle name beats your colin) Leonard

Anonymous said...

jeremy steinman

Anonymous said...

Gordy Stillman

Anonymous said...

Ethan Vaughn (eh) Rasmussen

Anonymous said...

Its arthur gordon stillman to you

Anonymous said...

sam bumsted

Anonymous said...

I didnt post the Arthur Gordon one, Im just gonna guess that was Evan

Anonymous said...

Esau Jehovah Gotlieb

Anonymous said...


dannyLITIN said...

danny litin

Anonymous said...

Daniel Raskin

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that is arthur gordon stillman to you

Suss said...

Jack Sussman

Anonymous said...

Zach Zirbes I didn't know tryouts were still going down...If I still have a chance for trying out, someone should let me know.

Anonymous said...

Chris Farrell

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thomas Fretland Rosengren

Anonymous said...

Adam Rafowitz