Friday, May 23, 2014


The season is coming to a close and yet it feels as though it's only just begun. 
It is HURTS tradition to end each season with a final banquet and awards ceremony.  We spend time together wrapping up the year, recognizing players of distinction and sending the seniors off to their new worlds.  We encourage 100% participation including parents and siblings.  
 This years format is a little different than last years.   We will be gathering at ~North Junior High at 6:00pm in the cafeteria for a "bring your own" dinner.  Think picnic style :-) which we can also do outside if the weather is decent.  ~Around 6:30 we will start the awards and recognization part of the evening (most likely in the cafeteria).  
~There will be desserts (hopefully if you baked for Hustle you were able to freeze the goodies for final banquet!)  Plates, silverware and napkins will be provided.
~ New this year is a Banana Bread baking contest!  Players, parents, & coaches can all make their favorite Banana Bread recipe to be judged and then shared!  (Gluten free and nut free recipes are welcome to accommodate everyone)  
~Following the banquet an Alumni Game in Hopkins High School Stadium, under the lights, will take place!  We would love everyone to stay and watch, we also know finals and school comes first.
~We will have MERCH for sale too!

Please signup with the signup genius. If you've already posted in the blog comments David Seffren moved your comments to the signupgenius.  No need to signup again!  Thanks David!
The link is on the sidebar to the right. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone!  



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Anonymous said...

Andrew, Libby and Helen Fern

Unknown said...

Noah Fogel and Sarah Fogel will attend + 2 others

Unknown said...

idk what this comment is for but i hope i get to play in the game or something

Anonymous said...

Lilseff (max),Michael, Cheri,David

Jonathan Lovagnini said...

Jonathan Lovagnini +2. We are bringing dessert

Unknown said...

Samit Patel and Andrew Patel + two others

Tamra Segal said...

Zach and Evan Segal + 3- bringing dessert

Abe Passman said...

Abe Passman + 1

Unknown said...

Josh Margolis +3. No dessert

Anonymous said...

4 Friedmans (Ethan, Adam, Amy and Lee) with a dessert

Unknown said...

Thomas+2 will bring dessert

Unknown said...

Sydney Gottlieb +2 with dessert.

Unknown said...

Drew + 1 maybe 2 no dessert

Jackson M said...

Jackson and Mitchell +2 and banana bread.

Braden Spencer said...

Braden Spencer + 5. We are bringing dessert

Anonymous said...

Claire Smart + 1 other. Bringing dessert!

zach shear said...

Zach shear + 3 We are bringing dessert

Stilly said...

Sam Stillman will attend +4. No dessert