Thursday, May 29, 2014

State Tournament

Hurtems, Hertettes,

I know you think your coaches know that you plan to go to State, but we don't.  Right now we have 10 varsity Hurtems, 8 Hertettes, JV Black with 19 (awesome response guys), and JV Silver with 13.

Please sign up HERE if you're planning on attending.  We always prefer parent drivers, but if you're over 17 you can offer to drive.  Parents determine whether their kid is allowed as a passenger.  I'll repeat: if a parent driver is available, that parent driver will drive.  We prefer that parents drive whenever possible.

This is our last tournament of the year, so we hope everyone will make it a priority.

State SCHEDULE (check the tabs)
Captains meeting is at 7:45am on Saturday at HQ (near U2/Schwann's Center)
First round games start at 8:30am
All Hurtems should be at the NSC by 7:30am

Update: full schedule is also available on score reporter now:

Boys Varsity starts on I3
Ladies start on A4
JV Black on K4
JV Silver on L2

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The state schedule only shows Sunday...where should jv silver meet? Is there another bracket for Saturday? Thanks!