Monday, April 14, 2008

LADIES: Girls Ultimate Prom

Please let me know in the comments section if you are willing and able to take a lead on this. Again, talk with the CDH captains at the game about working together. I'll compile a list and get it to JohnJohn. -Kell

Hello girls ultimate organizers and coaches!
So as many of you know there is increasing desire among the league here in MN and within the UPA at large to grow the amount and quality of girls ultimate here in the state. Organically, it will continue to grow at a slow rate but because we have a sizeable group of girls (4-5 on each of the top couple teams) that have taken it to the next level skill wise and a larger group of new teams and players who are just getting into the sport, several of us have decided to put together an event to get more girls out, help them learn faster, and therefore keep them coming out into adulthood.
We're going to call it "girls ultimate prom" (since clinic is a little boring) and we're trying to get each of the established teams to bring 5 players. And naturally we want AS MANY new and inexperienced girls as we can get.
We're going to do it on Saturday MAY 17th, from 2-6 which will include plenty of playing time and a BBQ. We'll do it at Nokomis Park.
Our goals include the following:
1. Spread some of the information/skill from various upper echelon teams/players to other newer teams and players. Our hope is to ask some of the better girls to help teach the skills to the newer players (with some assistance from knowledgeable adults).
2. Connect the various girls teams more together by having fun together. We'll do some skills work and have some time to do some hat-style scrimmaging but we'll also play some games to get to know each other. The plan also includes running this event from 2-6 and include a BBQ (funded by the league) at the end so there is some social element as well. It'd be great to leave feeling like the girls had some connection with other girls in the league.
3. All of the above will help the league grow (and Maintain) the new girls players in the league as well as help come summer club time.
Part of the reason for sending this out now is to get as many people committed to being there as we can. Please respond to this email with your availability. For those of you who coach teams, please let me know if you think your players can be available for this day.
The more girls that we can get there the better so please do what you can to make this happen. If all goes well we'll try and repeat this again just after the state tourney.
Thanks again for getting this off the ground. Let me know if you have any questions.
Cheers, John Sandahl


k-rae said...

Don't forget to give 55$ to Baken BEFORE Friday if you are going to Madison!

Anonymous said...

you can use paypal to pay this with a credit card
by using the email

go to www.paypal

and click on "Send Money"

Coach Lou said...

Here is a link you can use to pay for mudbath using paypal.

Coach Lou

Anonymous said...

I'm going!

Anonymous said...

i'll be there. it'll be fun!