Monday, April 21, 2008

Western Nationals

We have the final cost for Western Nationals at Independence MO.
The cost will be $200.00 (206.00 if you use PayPal) which includes your bus, fees and room.
Cost without room is $145.00. (150.00 if you use PayPal) There are those whose parents are at the hotel and may choose to have their players stay in their room. If you want a detailed breakdown of all the estimated costs go to the first comment in this posting.

1 comment:

Michael Schock said...

Rooms are $110.00 (which includes tax and tip) per night. With four players per room the individual cost is $55.00 for two nights.

Bus is $3675.00 (which includes tip). So with 36 players and 4 chaperones the total per paying passenger is $95.00. We have a slight over charge for the bus due to the possibilty that we will not fill out the roster at 36 players.

Tournament fee for each player at Nationals is $25.00

Misc ($25.00 per player)includes two nights at the hotel for the bus driver and coaches. Also it includes the coaches $25.00 per diem for misc expenses. Plus misc and unanticipated costs.